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Dra. Ingrit Joana Rojas Medina


A physician graduated from the School of Medicine at Juan N. Corpas University Foundation (FUJNC) in Colombia, she began her work in the field of emergencies and completed studies in Emergency Medicine at the University of Valparaíso (UV) in Chile.

Throughout her career, she has demonstrated the importance of prioritizing the quality of time and space in clinical care, strengthening sensitive listening and interdisciplinary approaches with patients, family groups, and work teams. She addresses not only the symptoms of the body but also provides a more comprehensive and humanized approach to each individual, both professionally and personally. She understands the human being far beyond the illness, proposing and reaffirming the importance of collaboration between the healthcare team, the patient, the family, and the social environment for the maintenance of self-care and well-being. She seeks the best ways of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment, incorporating different safe, reliable, effective integrative practices supported by scientific evidence.

Therefore, she expanded her knowledge about the human being as a whole, completed postgraduate studies in Integrative Health and Well-being Foundations at the Israelite Institute of Education and Research, Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital (HIAE). She completed various academic programs in Sound Therapy, Music Therapy, Therapeutic-Restorative Yoga, Ayurveda, Bach Flowers, Aromatherapy, Shamanism, and Ceremonial Cacao.

Following the principles of self-discovery, self-care, and well-being, she became interested in the therapeutic use of sound, its influence on health and disease, and conducted research in this area. She is a co-author of the book "Viva Bem de Corpo e Alma," where she introduces readers to Sound Therapy. She is part of the teaching staff of the Postgraduate Course in Integrative Health and Well-being: Advanced Studies at the Israelite Institute of Education and Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital (HIAE). She participates in the study group at SoundFulnesEducationⓇ School until 2021, currently serving as a coordinator for teaching and research projects at IntegraSound. Moreover, she is an active member of the Academic Consortium of Integrative Health and Medicine, the Latin American Association of Lifestyle Medicine (LALMA), and the Brazilian Association of Holistic Therapists (ABRATH).


Dr. Ingrit Rojas graduated as a Medical Doctor and General Surgeon from the Juan N Corpas University Foundation in Bogotá (Colombia) between 1998 and 2006.

She pursued studies in Emergency Medicine at the University of Valparaiso (Chile) between 2013 and 2016.

In 2020 and 2021, she completed a Postgraduate Lato Sensu program in Integrative Health and Foundations of Well-being at the Israelite Institute of Education and Research Albert Einstein and a Course on Fundamentals of Integrative Care at Sírio Libanês in São Paulo (Brazil). She currently serves as a faculty member for the Postgraduate Course in Integrative Health and Well-being Advanced Studies at the Israelite Institute of Education and Research Albert Einstein in São Paulo


Registered Medical Assistant RMA

Florida Registration Number: 20231010129953

Washington D.C

WES - World Education Services

International Academic Credential

REF# 5767154/phm

Employment Authorization-USA

USCIS#242-135-348 CATEGORY:C09 ; CARD# SRC 2390076688

ABRATH-Associação Brasileira dos Terapeutas Holísticos

Brazilian Association of Holistic Therapists

Professional Registration - Holistic Technical Responsibility Certificate

CRTH-BR 16624

APORTH-Associação Portuguesa dos Terapeutas Holísticos

Portuguese Association of Holistic Therapists

Passport: AW97028

RRTH-PT 0128

Yoga Alliance/RYT

Registry ID: 310443


- 2024  The Neurobiology of Trauma Online training -National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine NICABM. EUA

- 2024  Sound Medicine: Integrating Modern Science with Ancient Practices Wisdom School © Embodied Philosophy, Inc. EUA

- 2024  Crystal Bowl Mastery™ Foundations with Ashana, Sedona, EUA

- 2024  Sound Healing with Crystal Bowls and Quartz Instruments  - School of Crystal Sounds, Brazil 

- 2024 Ayurvedic Music Therapy, Nada Brahman Comprehensive Yoga School (Word Yoga Federation) January 29 to February 3, 2024


- 2024 Initial Gong Master Course 50 hours, Don Conreux, Vikrampal, and Abhaya Holistic Center, January 24 to 28, 2024, Homestead, Florida, USA

- 2024 Music Therapy Tools for Health Course, University of the Andes, Bogota, Colombia


- 2023/2024 Nada Yoga Teacher Training Course 100 hrs: Nada Brahman Comprehensive Yoga School (Word Yoga Federation), Course date: July to November 2023, Joanopolis, Brazil, Certificate Date: January 2024

- 2023 Certificate in Music Therapy and Sound Healing, Florida International University, United States.

- 2023 Vibroacoustic Therapy Course applied with Tibetan Bowls, Vibroescuela, Jorge Zain, Argentina.

- 2022 Free Course: Fundamentals of Music Therapy University of Miami, United States.

- 2020 - 2021: Ayurvedic Therapy Course, Dhanvantari Clinic, in São Paulo, Brazil.

- 2020: Sound Massage and Sound Ritual, Soundfulness Education, São Paulo, Brazil.

- 2019: RYS Yoga and Ayurveda instructor (200 hours) at Rishikul Yogashala School, certified by Yoga Alliance in Rishikesh, India.

- 2019: Miila Dezert Restorative Yoga and Therapeutic Yoga Method at the Premananda Yoga School, in São Paulo, Brazil


She offers personalized consultations in Integrative Medicine, emphasizing Sound Therapy (Sound Healing), Music Therapy, and Nada Yoga in her clinical practice. Offers individual and group Sound Therapy classes and experiences. For 15 years, she worked in General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Palliative Care, and Surgical Assistance in health entities in Colombia and Chile.

She is currently part of the teaching staff of the graduate program in Integrative Health and Wellbeing at the Israeli Institute of Education and Research, Albert Einstein Hospital (HIAE). Nada Yoga Teacher at the Abhaya Holistic Center in Miami, Idealizer and Coordinator of IntegraSound, member of the Academic Consortium of Integrative Health and Medicine (, of the Latin American Association of Lifestyle Medicine (LALMA), of the Brazilian and Portuguese Association of Holistic Therapists (ABRATH) (RRTH-PT APORTH) and the American Yoga Alliance. From 2019 to 2021, she was part of the scientific research team at SoundFulness Education in Brazil.

Dra Ingrit Rojas - Integrasound (8).jpeg

2023: Experience Report: Joy as a Form of Care: Complementary Therapy in Traditional Medicine. Ivana Antunes 1; Nicole Rodríguez Cardoso 1; Letícia Flores Nunes 1; Ingrit Johana Rojas Medina 2. 1. Santa Marcelina Medical School, Medical Students.

1.Instituto Israelita Albert Einstein for Education and Research, Postgraduate Studies in Integrative Health and Well-being Foundations: Advanced Studies, Associate Professor. Journal of Medical Students in Brazil. DOI: 10.53843/bms.v8i11.332

2021: Co-author of the book "Living Well in Body and Soul: Approaching Medicine and Integrative Therapies, Health, Well-being, Quality of Life, and Self-discovery"; chapter: Sound Therapy (Terapia do Som) an Integrative View, Editorial Libros Literarios Internacionales, São Paulo, Brazil.


- 2023 Workshop IntegraSound: Science-Based Medicine, Consciousness, and Experience. Israelite Institute of Education and Research Albert Einstein, São Paulo.

- Speaker 2021: Sound Massage as an Effective Tool for Stress Reduction, an Integrative Approach. III Congrepics: National Congress of Integrative Therapies, São Paulo, Brazil.


- 2020 Facilitator of the Sound Ritual "The Warrior's Journey" at the Institute of Culture for Continuing Education and Development (ICDEP) in São Paulo, Brazil.


- 2013 to 2015: Assistance in coordination, management, execution, and medical care in Emergency and Disaster Plans in the V region, Chile.

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